Friday, February 17, 2012

Meet the Teacher. 33.3

I find it interesting how parents go to meet the teacher and talk about their children! Well thats what its about I can hear you say,! Well these parents chose to talk about their child who is now at high school. Yes and to make it worse, the teacher, they were pouring their hearts out too, stating how their child was never challenged, has never taught their child.
To me this was a blatant case of Grandstanding!!
These parents chose to hijack this meeting to air their grievances.
Why didn't the other parents who had given up their evening to be there speak up. It was a chance to hear how the class programme would run for the year, what a waste of parents and teachers valuable time.

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Rangiora, Canterbury, New Zealand
I have been Principal of Ashley School since 2002 and I am still learning my job.I am married with 3 children. I have a love of educating children to the best of their potential. I enjoy Rowan Atkinson, Ricky Gervais, cycling and all other sports.